The Darkest Faerie Guide -


Main Play Guide:

Strategy Guide:

In Game Guides:

Miscl Guides:


:: Stock Guide ::

Also known as "things you need to buy, NOW NOW NOW!!". *ahem* We wrote 'em down for ourselves (which is where the Treasures came from, too) and figured y'all might want 'em too. Here they are! :D


Act One:
                - Red Juppies
                - Purple Juppies
                - Dispelling Potions
                - Bagguss
                - Motes. Any and all.

 You’ll need a few speckled neggs for Gnarfus, but chances are you’ll find them in Illusen’s Glad before the fight. If not, go back to your save point, and buy ‘em from the Neggery.


Act Three:
                - Red Juppies
                - Purple Juppies
                - Speckled and Stripped Neggs
                - Silver Neggs (recommend active for Werelupe King)
                - Dispelling Potions
                - Bagguss
                - Starberries and Chokatos
                - Motes. Any and all.

 NOTHING ELSE is all that neccesary. We have now played FOUR GAMES and never ONCE used a Fyora’s or Kauvara’s potion. Now…these are great things to have and make the game almost TOO easy. But they are NOT neccesary. SO….don’t panic if you have none. Got enough juppies, you’ll be ok.


Act Four:
                - Potions of Meerca Speed (TRUST us, you’ll need them)
                - Dispelling Potions
                - Aformentioned foodstuffs

Novas and Supernova motes…once you hit the fourth act, anywhere you can buy or find them, do so, and don’t use them (except in the Coliseum Shrine). They are the ONLY things you can use against the Darkest Faerie