The Darkest Faerie Guide -


Main Play Guide:

Strategy Guide:

In Game Guides:

Miscl Guides:


Side Information

This is info that's actually fairly important, but doesn't really FIT anywhere else on the site. You really might wanna read it (though I DO admit that some of it was written quite late at night while doing this guide.)


- Sometimes items don’t show up even though you just bought one. Buying another won’t fix this, it’ll just cost you np. Reloading the game will cause the item to suddenly appear as if by magic.

- Motes are NOT counted by HOW MANY MOTES you have. They are counted once you have them by attacks. Each mote comes with 100 attacks. Adding another of the same kind ups the mote you already have. One assumes this means the mote is now freakin’ huge and too big to carry without it hovering over your shoulder for the more common ones, like, say, leaf and bubble, but you’re not supposed to think about that. So don’t. Really. Stop that.

- When in a shop, you can still pull inventory, quests and motes by pushing start, but you can’t pull a map of where you are. You CAN, however, pull the map for any Treasure Maps you have, to make sure they're the ones you want

- Prices are higher before saving or helping the shopkeeper or town, sometimes, but you can still buy the stuff anyway.

- There’s an attack that is not covered in the training. Face the camera, then press up on the right analog stick and the O button at the same time. You will slide far forward in the other direction and thrust straight. It can NOT be done towards the camera.

- Poison does not kill you. I know people think it keeps going untl you die, but it only gives about five hits for a Spyder Bite at MOST, and ten or eleven for an artillery because the poison is slower acting. It never takes you farther down than one little notch on your health bar. So if you have a nice big one, that stretches all the way across the top of the screen, which you WILL by Tor’s Farm in the third act if you have followed this guide, I really wouldn’t worry about it. Use the bagguss if the hit sound bugs you.

- Try to alternate save slots between two. That way you can avoid annoying glitches. We only have the ABSOLUTE NECCESARY saves listed on the site. Saving every third save point you see is a good rule of thumb.

- Do NOT save and then close the game in the Hall of Heroes at the beginning of act 4. That is the ONLY game ending glitch. The mosaic pieces will be missing, and you’ll never get out. You’ll have to start all over if you haven’t alternated. Get out, and then save in one of the Districts.

- Outside of Market Town is some Gold Grass. While the most profitable Gold Grass is in Shadowglen if you have enough luck on you, it’s too much of a pain to reload the map to make it come back more than once. However, running in and out of Market Town takes less than a minute. The gold grass is worth 300np each time, at least, if you have even half the luck of the game so far. You can run in and out for, say, ten minutes, and get at least 4,000np. Keep going depending on patience as long as you like. We have made over 8,000np that way before losing our minds with the boredom.

- At many points in this Guide, we refer to something we call Death Water. That is water deep enough you will either game over or just die. Either way, it’s death. Instant, cannot-change-characters-and-keep-going death. You can tell when it’s going to kill you in MOST places by the darker color. Otherwise, it’s just trial and error.

Signs of safe water: 

  • Mortogs hopping in the water

  • Motes bouncing in the water

If you’re wondering, and you see neither of these signs…save if you’re gonna test it. You might die.

Now. Once you’ve beaten everything but the Darkest Faerie, and you have motes, and you have nova motes, and you have supernova motes…and all your upgrades, etc, etc…you may find that from following this guide, that you have oh, say, 40,000np left over.

There’s nothing you need to buy. There’s no purpose to the money. And do you really want to end the game with all that extra np?

Ok, maybe you do. WE don’t. Because we’re insane by the time we get here (especially if it’s hour 49 and we need serious stress reduction), we go to the Bazaar (We LOVE the music there), buy a bunch of Meerca Speeds…and go round and round that big circle in the Bazaar district that seems like an arena but isn’t.

Just a thought. :p