:: Essays ::

Because the fiction alone just ain't enough for my all encompassing obsession, I am adding a page for Essays on Writing Buffy-Shipper or Buffy-Centric Fan Fiction. Got a pet peeve about the way some people write Buffy? Something people do to the stories you don't like? Anything else you really, really, really wish people would/would not do? Write an essay! No longer that 1-4 pages, talking about the do's, don'ts, wants, needs etc. A top five/ten list is fine too,  though try not to rant. :p I'll do a page for those later. If you wanna send in a long rant, just let me know that that's what it is, and I'll keep it../../nbsp;

This is not a ten page, single spaced essay assignment. I know, you see the word "essay" and go running from the room. But that's not what this is. Just talk to us. Be creative. It can be a straight essay/talk, it can be in the form of a diary entry...whatever you want. Blog if you like. I don't care. Just make sure we get your point and that the writing is clear. At the very least, run it through a spell checker? A beta reader would be even better. If you don't see a beta on our page that you like, you can try The BTVS Writer's Guild beta page.

Wanting To Be The Hero

Buffy/Willow Violence

W/B parallel B/X Parallels
Is Dawn Buffy's Other Half? Sister? Child? Spike and Buffy: An Ironic Twist in Story of Psyche & Eros Buffy - Struggling to Be the Hero in A Dark World Restless: Leaving Childhood Behind - Part IV: Buffy's Dream - The Hands
Anya, Buffy, Angel and the Theme of Vengeance Writing a crossover with Buffy *NEW* A Theory On Turning Evil In the Buffyverse *NEW* Who Is Buffy?
Buffy Love Writing The Hero


All essays posted with permission from the authors.
If you have an essay you'd like posted, please
email it to me in a Word document or simple email.

:: Slightly Over The Edge :: 
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