Lipton Lee

Email Lipton Lee:

  Hogwarts Year Five: This Wasn't On The Syllabus (Formerly Untitled)
Wesley Wyndham-Pryce gets a visit from some old friends, and Hogwarts obtains some new... interesting teachers
Buffy/Angel, Ron/Hermione

# Several of the chapters are each sectioned off themselves, and are basically three or four chapters in one. The sections are separated with labels, as opposed to the scene changes which are symbolized by a double asterisk. Therefore, unlike most long series like this, I can't post several chapters into one page, and the sidebar is going to get very, very long. But we don't mind, do we? *G* #











Chpt. One
Chpt. Two
Chpt. Three
Chpt. Four
Chpt. Five
Chpt. Six

Chpt. Seven
Chpt. Eight
Chpt. Nine
Chpt. Ten
Chpt. Eleven
Chpt. Twelve

Chpt. Thirteen
Chpt. Fourteen
Chpt. Fifteen
Chpt Sixteen
Chpt Seventeen
Chpt Eighteen
Chpt Nineteen
Chpt Twenty
Chpt Twenty-one
Chpt Twenty-two
Chpt Twenty-three
Chpt Twenty-four
Chpt Twenty-Five

Chpt Twenty-Six

Chpt Twenty-Seven


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