Chapter 1:

Dawn couldn't believe, that she was here. She had been at Hogwart for a week now. But the ceiling of the Great Hall surpassed everything else. The moving staircases, the moving and talking paintings, the ghosts and even the flying brooms.

She looked down from the ceiling and saw a boy staring at her. She smiled at him and poked Buffy to get her attention. "That boy is staring at me."

Buffy took a look at the boy and smiled. "I think, that is the Potter kid."

"Why is he staring at me?"

"He probably already has a crush on you." Buffy teased. Dawn blushed a little and rolled her eyes.

Dawn noticed something strange about him staring. "He stares as if he sees something strange." Horror showed on her face. Dawn was starting to panic. "He knows I'm the Key."

Buffy took her hand and squeezed it lightly. "He doesn't know you're the Key. He doesn't even know, what the Key is. But he might sense something about you. Lets find out." Buffy pointed at Harry and waved him to come to the teacher's table. He came over like in a trance.

"You are Harry Potter?" It was more like a statement than a question. He nodded. She leant closer and with a look forced him to do the same."Why are you staring at my sister?"

Sisters? Now that Harry got a better look he could see the resemblance. He didn't know what to say. Did she think he was hitting on her little sister. Or did she mean the other think. He was moving his lips. When she interrupted him.

"You better 'not' lie to me." The look she gave him, was even scarier than one of Snape's.

Harry didn't know where to start. "Green light." She stopped him from proceeding.

"Bloody hell." The young woman cursed and the girl gasped for air. She closed her eyes for a moment to think. She opened them, came even closer to Harry and whispered in his ear. "Here is the deal. You will tell nobody and I mean nobody. No professor. No student. No friend. Not even dead people about my sister. Without my permission. With the exception of the Headmaster. Or I will take 100 points away from Gryffindor." Harry's face showed shocked. "And what I'll do with you personally you would wish you had to deal with Mr. Volleyballhead." His eyes and mouth went wide open. She didn't only showed no fear, but she mocked his name. Not even Dumbledore would dare do that. "If you friends asks you, tell them you had a private conversation with your DADA Professor. And if they keep bugging you, you can tell them also that they 'will' lose 50 points 'each'. If you tell them something make sure to keep my sister out of it." She leant back. "Do we understand each other, Mr. Potter?"

Harry was still in shock and nodded. "You can go back to your friends." Harry turned and walked to his House table. He sat between Hermione and Ron. He didn't hear them, when they were talking to him. The shock was gradually wearing off.

"Bloody Hell."

"Don't swear." Hermione told him. "What did she say to you? Who is she?"

"I had a private conversation with our new DADA Professor."

Those in hearing distance of Harry, went silence. It was Ron who spoke first. "No, Bloody way."

Hermione didn't even mention Ron's cursing. "What did she say?"

"She said, if you guys are bugging me about it, she is going to deduct points."

One of the twins was curious. "How many?"

"50" There went a 'wow' through the crowed. "Each." The crowed went silence.

It was the other twin turn to speak. He stood up and announced. "Nobody is bugging Harry about the new DADA Professor."

"She is scarier than Snape or even a Dementor." Everybody knew how scared Harry was about the Dementors. "And she isn't afraid of 'him'."

"Who Snape?" It was Hermione who asked. Harry shook his head and formed with his lips the word 'him'. Hermione made the 'Oh' sound.

It dawned on Ron. "Oh, Bloody Hell."

"You should have heard the name she called him. Not even Dumbledore would call him that."

As one they all turned to the teacher's table and stared at the new DADA Professor. She noticed it and she gave them one of her famous ice-melting smiles.

"No Bloody way, can she be that dangerous." It was Ron, who bursted it out. As if she heard him, she gave them a grin with the hint of danger. He swallowed. "I might be mistaken."

Ron turned to Harry. "What the Bloody Hell did you do to piss her off."

Before Harry could answer, Hermione interrupted him. "Don't bug him, Ron. We don't want to lose points before our first class."

They went silent and looked back at the teacher's table. She looked back, gave them a warm smile and turned back to the man next to her.

Neville spoke first. "She has a nice smile."

The second was Ron. "I rather see her smile at me than grin."

One of the twin stood up. "I have a proposal to summit to this table. Everybody who thinks, 'not' to piss off the new DADA Professor say Ay." Everybody at the Gryffindor table said 'Ay'. "Against?" There was a silence. "The proposal is unanimous approved."

While one twin sat down the other stood up. "I have another proposal to summit to this table. How can we make her get pissed off at the Slytherins." There went a roar through the Gryffindor table of laughter. Some even had to hold on there belly, because it hurt so much.

At the table Buffy heard the whole conversation at the Gryffindor table and had to keep her laughter in. Dawn wanted to know what was going on and Buffy whispered it her ear. Dawn let a giggle escape and hold her hand on her mouth. They heard stories about the rivalry between the two Houses.

At that moment the first-years arrived and the Sorting Hat was brought out. It was funny to see a talking hat even more was seeing it sing. Every time one got sorted in their new house, he or she got a welcome cheer. After the last one was sorted. The Headmaster stood up.

"Welcome old and new students." He took a sweep through the crowed. "Before we feast I have a few announcements. The Forbidden Forest is just what it says. Forbidden. Roaming through the halls after curfew is forbidden. The Halls will be patrolled by Mr. Filch and other teachers."

The Headmaster made a dramatic pause. "We have a new DADA teacher." A devilish grin appeared on his face. "Professor Summers." Buffy stood up and a shock went through the three houses except for Gryffindor. They bursted into cheers and clapping. They wanted to be in her good grace. The other houses followed them wearily and clapped also.

Buffy sat down. Dumbledore continued. "And we have Mr. Duncan Baker an Auror first class to assist her."

The man next to Buffy stood up. He tipped his wizard hat like he came out of an old western. "Howdy." He had a thick Texan accent. His voice was low, but warm. Cheers and clapping came from all the houses. Baker sat down again.

"We also have a special new student." Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling. "She is Professor Summers sister and has a special permit to attend fourth years classes for a muggle."

Dawn stood up and smiled. Dumbledore had warned her that in the whole history of Hogwart never a muggle had attended the school. They were all shocked, but then from the Gryffindor table one of the redheaded twins stood up and roared and quickly followed by his other twin and the others at the table. Dawn blushed. She got a different reaction from the Slytherins. They were outraged and protesting. Even the word Mudblood could be heard a few time.

Buffy stood up and stared the Slytherins down. They were quiet in seconds. "50 points form Slytherin for the use of the word Mudblood." The Slytherins were trying to protest, but they were stopped by Buffy next words. "Don't make me take 50 points for each 'Mudblood' I heard." The Slytherins were not only quiet, but they didn't even move an inch.

Dumbledore was amused and Professor Snape was shocked and impressed at the same time. He couldn't have done it any better. A small smirk appeared on Snape face invisible to others. A roar came from the Gryffindor table, but was fast quenched by one look of Buffy, that changed into a smile. Buffy sat down again.

"We wanted to ask one of the Houses to be a host to Dawn, but it seemed that Gryffindor is already volunteering." Dumbledore smiled. Cheers and roars came from the Gryffindors and yelled for her to come and sit with them. Dawn looked at Buffy, who nodded and nudged her to go. Dawn ran to the Gryffindor table. The twins made room for her to sit between them.

"Let the feast begin." And the food appeared out of nothing on the table.

"Wow," Dawn carefully touched her food. "I always expect it to disappear, when I touch it."

Both twins laughed. One of them was opening his mouth to ask something, but Ron was quicker. "Your sister can be very scary. I bet she can scare Snape's pants off." That gave him a few laughter from the others.

Dawn smiled. "Oh yeah. He tried to intimidate her on the first day. Thought he was dealing with a little girl. She put him in his place. Almost through the wall."

Hermione was curious. "What are her qualification. She seems awful young."

"She has more then 5 year field experience." Dawn saw the book in front of Hermione and knew that this girl would find out in no time, that Buffy was the Slayer. Dawn thought about to put her on the wrong track. "Plus she worked along side two Slayers." Dawn pointed at Hermione's book.

"No bloody way." Was Ron's response. One of the twins said. "I knew she exist." And the other. "She's a myth." The others had likewise reactions. Most of them knew the Slayer as a fairytale and they bombarded her with questions. They were so loud, that the questions could be heard at the other tables. And the rumour mill started.

Harry stopped the bombardment by standing up. "Hey, She can't answered your questions, if you don't give her time to response. And keep a few questions for DADA class, because she is the one who has fought along side two Slayers." He pointed at Buffy. He was loud enough to be heard across the Great Hall. Buffy just smiled and resumed with her dinner as if nothing happened. She got some appreciated looks form the other Professors.

Harry sat down. "And we've been awful rude. We interrogated her, without introducing our self." Harry stuck out his hand. "I'm Harry like you already know, this is Hermione. And the redheads are the Weasleys." He pointed to Ron, the twins and Ginny. "This is Ron. Those two are Fred and George or George and Fred."

"Fred, hi." "George, hi." This was a first. The twins didn't play Switch-Your-Name game.

Harry resumed the introductions. "That is Ginny." Ginny waved.

"Wow, big family."

"We got three older brothers." Ginny smiled.

"Wow, I pity your mother." Dawn said with a smile. Ginny and Hermione both giggled.

"Poor, Ma." "But She still loves us." The twins were acting dramatic. "We try our best." "To drive her crazy." Dawn bursted out in a fit laughter. After Dawn calmed down, Harry introduced the rest of the gang. After Harry's outburst, they kept off the subject of the Slayer and talked about the Wizardry world and the Muggle world. Dawn even told about some Hellmouth related incidences, but only highlighted it. Then she noticed one of the boys at another table looking at her.

She poked one of the twins with her elbow. "Who is the mini-Spike?"


"The platinum blond at the snake table."

"Draco Malfoy." "He's father is a Death Eater. He works for You Know Who." "I heard rumours, that his father is going to ask him to become a Death Eater this year." "And he is Harry's nemesis."

It was like watching a ping-pong. Dawn got a little dizzy. Then she looked at Draco. "That is sad."

"What?" Harry asked.

"Being a child of a Death Eater." The sadness lingered in her voice.

Harry looked over his shoulders and took a good look of Draco. He turned. "You're right. It's sad. But he still is a prick." That got him a few laughs. They dropped the subject. The headmaster stood up.

"Children." The Headmaster was placing attention on himself. "The feast nears his end." He waved his wand and the food and dishes disappear. "The Prefects will take the first-years to their dormitories. Have a good night and good first day tomorrow."

The first-years left with their Prefects. Dawn stayed with the older students. "I have to go to Buffy and see if I'll be staying with you guys tonight or tomorrow." She skidded up and ran to Buffy.

"Buffy?" Ron said out loud. There was a moment of silence. You can almost hear the twins think.

"Oh, man. The Slytherins are going to lose at least 50 more points, when they hear about this." "They gonna say something stupid in front of the Professor." The twins said it with big grins.

Dawn came back and they walked to the Gryffindor common room and talked some more. Dawn was going to share a room with Hermione and Ginny.

End Chapter 1.


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