:: Challenges ::

If you take any of these challenges, please email me to let me know, and send me the story? I'd like to archive it. :-)


Challenge #1 Buffy/Angel

Write a fic in season three where Angel’s soul is permanent. Doesn’t matter how it happens, but it has to happen towards the beginning of the fic. Should replace the ep where Faith kills the guy and Wesley first shows. Angel kills Balthazar before he shows up at the Bronze, so Faith doesn’t kill anyone.

Must haves:

*Must* include the scene at the Bronze, only it’s *not* a business trip.
At least* one B/A NC-17 scene.
Faith and Buffy can’t get arrested.
Willow, Buffy and Faith having a girl’s night in.

At least four of these:

A jar of pennies being dumped on someone’s head
A Wolfram and Heart lawyer
A cop being mooned
Buffy and Willow kissing
A nail file in an unusual place
Buffy refusing to stake a vamp because he smells
Blue penny-loafers
Faith flashing Joyce when her back is turned and Buffy laughing
Giles using magic to set a vamp on fire
An NC-17 X/C scene


Challenge #2 Buffy/Giles

Season Two Challenge.

Takes place before Buffy and Angel start with the whole together thing. He’s not there. He left. I don’t care how, it never even has to come up. Must be before Joyce found out that Buffy is the Slayer.

Premise: Giles is getting more and more worried because Buffy’s mother is starting to crack down on where Buffy goes. Because of this, she’s having trouble getting everything done, and has to stay up way to late to patrol. Lack of sleep is affecting her health. Giles must decide that she move in with him. Since Slayers usually live with their watchers, it’s not something she can argue, and at this point, she understands the reasoning. Giles makes arrangements with the Council, and one day, Buffy moves out. They DON’T tell Joyce it’s going to happen.

Take the story at least a month into her living with Giles, and it must start at LEAST three weeks before she moves in. His apartment from Season Four and Five, guest room downstairs Buffy’s.

Must haves:

Giles feeling relaxed for the first time since he moved to Sunnydale, because Buffy is sleeping under his roof.
Buffy having nightmares, but them stopping when she moves in with Giles.
Buffy having an erotic dream about Giles, and him overhearing it.
Somehow, and NC-17 rating, but not for the dream. Must happen in life. It’s a shipper story, remember?
Buffy and Giles together at the end.

Include at least four:

Giles hitting Snyder for the way he treats Buffy, and getting away with it.
Willow and Xander ignoring Joyce while she’s in the room and talking to them.
Buffy saying, before the idea for her to move comes in, that the Library feels like home.
Buffy sleeping in Giles office better than at home.
Giles brushing a piece of lint off Willow and Buffy getting jealous
Buffy commenting that they’ll have to share a bathroom, and Giles absentmindedly saying "Yes. It’ll be quite nice." without realizing he’s saying it.


Challenge #3 Buffy/Angel(us)

What if Angelus, instead of killing that woman in the alley when he first took control in "Innocence", went back inside and decided that he loved Buffy, regardless?

Re-write at *least* both the end of "Surprise" and all of "Innocence", but if you feel the need to take it farther, I’ll be thrilled. Include the following:

Angelus swearing out loud when he realizes that he loves Buffy, without a soul.
Buffy walking in on Giles and Angelus having an argument on how to kill the judge.
Angelus knowing that Xander and Cordy are making out before they come out of the stacks.
The gang eating Buffy’s birthday cake in the library after they kill the judge.
Happy Buffy at the end!

And at least three of the following:

A reference to The Beatles
A book entitled "The Idiot’s Guide to Vampiric Sex"
Buffy proudly showing off her bite scar to Willow
Angelus hitting Snyder on Buffy’s behalf
Willow and Cordelia kissing
Those See’s candy lollypops
Giles swearing in another language


Challenge #4 Buffy/Faith

Takes place two days after Faith goes to the Mayor. Buffy follows her after patrol, and when Faith leaves the office, Buffy confronts her. Must haves:

Faith and Buffy physically fighting. Not training. Fighting.
Buffy crying over Faith's betrayal and Faith finding out about it or seeing it. (your choice)
Angel knowing before Buffy does that she's in love with Faith and pushing her towards her.
Giles encouraging in the relationship and Wesley being appalled.
Xander freaking out that he "slept with a lesbian"
Willow being jealous because she's in love with Buffy too.
One NC-17 (or R if you prefer) scene NON Buffy-shipp.
Happy B/F ending!

At least four of the following:

Faith stripping in front of Wesley
Xander saying "I can't believe it's not, but her?" :p
Willow grabbing Cordelia in the hall and kissing her
Oz mentioning in a casual way that he's bisexual
The Mayor calling Faith "sunshine" and her squirming about it
Principal Snyder making a pass at one of the girls
Giles confessing his love for Angel (heh heh heh)
Angel saying "Well, if I lost you, it was either gonna be to your Watcher or Faith. Considering that Wesley's your Watcher now, gotta say, liking the choice."


Challenge #5 Buffy/Cordelia

Rewrites from The Harvest. Buffy doesn't attack Cordy in the Bronze, so the next day, they're still friends. Must haves:

  Cordelia walking in on Buffy and Giles training after school having to fight down thoughts of how great Buffy looks all sweaty, therefore forgetting about how odd it is that she was sparring with the school librarian.
  Buffy drilling Willow on whether or not Cordy's gay.
  Xander spazzing when he finds out he has a crush on a lesbian.
  Some guy making a grab at Cordelia and Buffy throwing him across the front lawn, saying that she's just "taking out the garbage".
  Happy B/C ending! MUST BE ANGST FREE!! Cordy can know about the Slaying or not. Up to you.

At least three of the following:

Peanut butter and banana sandwiches
Frozen chocolate sauce
Someone using the phrase "One day, you're gonna realize that your friends aren't like other people's friends."
Giles and Buffy bonding over their pasts (re: Ripper)
Xander showing up in a neon green shirt and Cordy *not* commenting on it because of Buffy.


Challenge #6 Buffy/Jenny

I know. Not a normal pairing...but see, I just got this idea, and I had to open the challenge. I might even take it myself! But I'm stickin' it here anyway. Someone should do it if I don't, and you never know....

Basis: When Jenny found the cure, Drusilla didn't have a vision. Therefore, Angelus didn't kill her. So, the next day, Jenny went to the Library with her idea. Giles can't believe she'd be willing to let Angel live, and gets angry. He kicks her out. Buffy runs after her and they have some kind of bonding. They hug. Jenny does the spell that night, and Buffy runs after Angel, but he's too guilt ridden, and manages to meet the sunlight. Jenny finds Buffy crying over Angel's ashes, and...

Must haves:

A B/J NC-17 scene
  Drusilla knowing when Angel dies
  Spike mourning over Angel
  Giles finding out what happened the next day, and some kind of scene. He can either be sorry, or he can be vindicated.
  Willow backing up the plan
  Xander siding with Giles
 MUST HAVE A HAPPY SCOOBY ENDING, including Giles. B/J ship ending

At least three:
  Joyce finding out, somehow, that Angel's dead, and confronting Buffy about her life.
  A phone call from Buffy's grandparents
  Snyder finding out about Buffy and Jenny and firing Jenny
  Willow covering for Buffy with Giles when she goes to meet the souled version of Angel
  Cordelia dumping Xander because he's too closed minded about Angel
  Jenny and Willow talking about Buffy's legs

Ok, probably not. :p But I'm putting it out there...so, it's always possible. :-)



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