Title: Bound, Pt 4: After Effects - 1/7
By TrinityLast
E-mail: trinitylast@wambtac.com
Disclaimer: I swear I’ve said this before. I had nothing to do with it. I accept no blame. Ain’t my fault. I’m just having some fun with the mess Joss made, and then I’ll give it back.
Distribution: If you have my other stuff, you can have this too. Anyone else, go for it. Just let me know, ok?
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Mostly Parts One, Two and Three of this series. If you haven’t read those...you are gonna be SO lost.
Feedback: (warning: R rated feedback section...) *Nods head convulsively* Yes! Yes! YES! Please!
Note: Takes place a week or so after the council folk left. :p Just to make it interesting, I’m not going to tell you anything else! :-) But don’t worry. It’ll all get answered along the way.

// = thoughts


Chapter One


"Buffy, tell me where it hurts."

"This makes no sense! She isn’t injured."

"Willow!" Giles shot a glare at the witch and she quieted down. He turned back to his Slayer. "Buffy..."


"Angelus isn’t here, but he’s coming, Buffy." Xander smoothed a cold cloth over her head and shot a worried look at Giles. "He said he had some business to wrap up, and..."

Giles held up his hand and Xander quieted. Buffy had passed out from the pain.

Willow spoke up again. "Giles, it doesn’t make any sense at all! She isn’t hurt! She wasn’t even attacked on patrol tonight, nothing happened. One new vamp, she got him as he rose."

Giles nodded and glanced at the calendar. "What was it Derek said yesterday when he called?"

Xander scrunched up his face. "About what? He was on the phone with us for over an hour." He shot an accusing look at Willow. "And *someone* was hogging all the time."

Willow stuck her chin out stubbornly. "I just wanted to know what he’d heard about the werewolves in Geneva. I didn’t know there’d be so much!"

Giles cut off Xander’s reply. "No! I mean, when we told him that Angelus had been out of town for over a week. What was it he said? I can’t remember, but it struck me as important." He replaced the wet cloth on Buffy’s head and took her hand. It was fevered. He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.

Willow got a thoughtful look on her face. "He couldn’t believe that Angelus could leave her for that long. He said that *he* could never do that." She frowned. "He really seemed surprised."

Giles got a stricken look on his face and raced for the bookshelves, muttering to himself. "I did *not* miss this. I wouldn’t have been so stupid..."

"Giles?" Xander sprinkled some water on Buffy’s face as she started to wake up. "What is it? Giles?"

The watcher was already flipping through a book and didn’t look up. "I think I know what’s causing this. If it’s what I think it is, this is my fault. I should have known...this is what a watcher is *for* for god’s sake!"

Willow bit her lip and glanced at Xander who shrugged. Buffy’s eyes opened and she moaned.

"Why do I feel like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck?"

Willow sat down and pulled Buffy’s head into her lap. "I have no idea, but Giles thinks he does."

Buffy nodded and then, as another wave hit, moaned again and buried her head in the pillow.


"He’s coming, Buff." Xander picked up the washcloth that fell off her head and put it in the water.

"Unfortunately, she won’t be alright until he does. I’ve found it."

The two teenagers looked up, But Buffy hadn’t heard him. She was passed out again. Giles closed the book and slumped into a chair.

"I should have looked. I should have checked for any side effects. I should have *known* this was going to happen!" The last sentence was punctuated with his fist slamming into the arm of the chair, and Willow and Xander both took an instinctive step back.

"Ok, G-man, should have known what?"

Giles glared at Xander. "Don’t call me that. And I should have checked to see what the effects of the binding were. I mean, it makes sense, that if they are bound together, they can’t be apart. That really makes sense. So, why didn’t it occur to me to check?"

Willow frowned. "You mean, this is happening because Angel’s out of town?"

"This..." Giles gestured at the couch where Buffy was still unconscious, "...happened because she has been too far away from her mate for too long."

The redhead bit her lip. "Giles, Angel can’t come back until tomorrow night. It’ll be morning soon. How will he get here from Los Angeles in the sun?"

"Yeah, and we can’t keep her here, on the couch. There’s no room to take care of her. I’d say we should take her home, but..."

"But her mother hasn’t talked to her since the night I told her off, yes, I know. And her father left the next morning, and we don’t know where he is." Giles sighed. "Well, I’ll have to move her upstairs. I’m not leaving her somewhere like this." He gazed at the closest thing to a daughter he had. "She’s my Slayer." He stood and gently picked her up. Xander watched him walk up and into the loft before turning to Willow.

"Her father got called away on business. You know, right?"

Willow nodded. "And he’ll be back. He called and left a message the day he left saying that he and Buffy needed to ‘talk’."

"Right. And now she’s sick, because her vampire is in a different city, and her mother doesn’t even know she’s *with* a vampire. They haven’t talked at all?"

"Nope. Buffy said that if her mother was calling her boyfriends behind her back to rat her out, she really didn’t want anything to do with her."

Xander managed to shrug and nod at the same time. "Can’t say I blame her."

A moan came from upstairs and they grabbed for the supplies on the coffee table to take upstairs. When they got there the phone started to ring. Everyone waited to see who it was on the answering machine, not wanting to leave Buffy unless it was important.

Which, looking back on it, Giles figured was a blessing.

"Is this the home of Rupert Giles? I got your name from Joyce. This is Hank Summers? Joyce says she hasn’t talked to Buffy since I left, and that you’d know where she is. I’m at her dorm, and she’s not here. Could you please call me back? I’m staying at the Marriott Suites on Fallbrook Road. The number is..."


Chapter Two


"He hasn’t called back." Hank was pacing his ex-wife’s living room, his anger coming off him in waves. "He hasn’t called once! And you say she goes to him for advice all the time? Are you sure he even knows where she is?"

Joyce had a hard look on her face. "Yes. He knows. He *always* knows. She doesn’t go more than a few *hours* without talking to him, and besides, Sandy Gren said she saw Buffy at his apartment yesterday." She glared at the phone.

"So, he’s just not answering me?"

"It seems that way."

Hank shook his head. "Not if I have anything to do about it." He grabbed his coat. "Where does this bastard live?"


"Is she awake?"

Giles shook his head. "I don’t know what to do. I suppose we just have to wait for Angelus, but really, we should try to figure out a way to stop this from happening. They can’t go eternity like this."

"Why not?"

Giles frowned at Willow. "What do you mean, ‘why not’? Isn’t it obvious?"

The redhead shook her head. "No, it isn’t. So, they can’t be separated for more than a week. The other slayers and their vamps seem to do just fine with it. And it wouldn’t even have come up if Angel hadn’t been detained in LA. He wanted to come back sooner, remember? He felt her pulling him."

Giles paused for a moment. "Wait...he didn’t want to be gone, and she didn’t want him to go?"

Willow shook her head again.

"So, they knew, if subconsciously?"

This time she nodded.


Willow grinned. "Giles?"

He looked up. "Oh. Yes. Well, we’ll look for it...see if anything at all can be done, yes?"


They both reached for books, but stopped in mid-action due to the sudden pounding from the basement.


Giles nodded. "Would have to be, he or Spike or Penn. No other vampire has been invited in."

"I’ll get the curtains."

She’d just gotten them closed when a very angry Angelus burst through the basement door.

"She isn’t patrolling?"

Giles eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"The vampires are practically giddy with the news that the Slayer hasn’t patrolled in almost six days. Why isn’t she patrolling?"

Willow’s face took on a worried expression. "Didn’t you get our messages?"

Angelus looked at her oddly. "I got one from Xander, but that was it. I called him back and told him I’d get here as soon as possible...why?"

A moan came from upstairs and Angelus’ face changed into the demon’s when he recognized Buffy’s scent. "What’s wrong?"

Willow bit her lip and Giles covered his eyes. "Apparently, there is a...a side effect, if you will, to the binding."

Angelus forced his human face back and closed his eyes to keep control. "And that is?"

"You’re actually bound."

Willow’s eyes shifted upstairs. "In the ‘if you leave for too long, Buffy gets very, very sick’ sense."

Angelus growled and bounded up the steps two at a time.

And someone knocked on the door.


Chapter Three


Willow bit her lip and Giles covered his eyes. "Apparently, there is a...a side effect, if you will, to the binding."

Angelus forced his human face back and closed his eyes to keep control. "And that is?"

"You’re actually bound."

Willow’s eyes shifted upstairs. "In the ‘if you leave for too long, Buffy gets very, very sick’ sense."

Angelus growled and bounded up the steps two at a time.

And someone knocked on the door.


When he got to the top of the stairs all the anger went out of him. The sight of his mate moaning in pain effectively forced the demon from his face.


He was at her side in an instant, his fingers tracing her face.

"Shhh...I’m right here."

"It hurts..."

"I know."

"Giles doesn’t know why."

Her eyes weren’t open, and it was making Angelus nervous. The way she was nuzzling into his hand was instinctive, and she was burning up. He figured that maybe his cool skin would help with the fever.

He felt Giles behind him. "You don’t know what’s causing it?"

"We do." Giles didn’t move from the doorway, as if he was blocking someone from downstairs, and Angelus vaguely remembered hearing someone knocking when he came up.


"You. It seems that she’s suffering from separation from her mate."

Angelus bit back a growl. He’d known. He couldn’t tell how, but he’d known that staying those extra days was wrong. Finding out that he’d be right didn’t make him feel any better.

"So, how do we make her better?"

"You’re her mate. Mate."

The vampire heard him going back down the stairs, and he heard an unfamiliar voice asking a question, but now wasn’t the time to worry about it.

Buffy moaned again. "I think I’m gonna pass out."

"No!" Angelus shrugged out of his coat and kicked off his shoes, sliding into the bed with her. "Baby, stay with me." He wrapped his arms around her and started making a soothing motion on her stomach.

She whimpered. "I can’t help it. I’m sorry..."

"It’s ok." He snuggled in and started kissing her ear. "I’ll be right here when you wake up, alright?"


Angelus kissed her cheek and settled his mouth against the shell of her ear. "I promise. I’m not going anywhere."

"Thank you."

He kissed her again and wrapped a leg around hers. She sighed, and a few seconds later he felt his Slayer go slack in his arms. He held her tighter, whispering nonsense into her ear and stroking her flat stomach.


Angelus growled and bounded up the steps two at a time.

And someone knocked on the door.

Giles watched the vampire disappear into the loft before answering the door.

He frowned at the man there. "Can I help you?"

The man scowled back. "I’m looking for my daughter. Is she here?"

Giles raised an eyebrow. "It depends. There are two girls here at the moment, and another on her way from LA for a visit. Who’s father are you?"

Hank Summers stared at the Englishman in front of him and forced himself to calm down. It would be no good to hit him...Joyce had already warned him that this man was trained to kill. Though, she did leave out why, and that just made him angrier.

"I’m Buffy Summers’ father, and I want to see her. *Now*."

Giles raised an eyebrow. "I’m afraid she’s upstairs with her husband at the moment. She’s been ill. But you can come in and wait if you like."

Hank stared at the man. He tried to make a coherent sound, but failed. His daughter was married? What? When? Who?

Giles waited a few moments before rolling his eyes and going upstairs to check on Buffy. He’d deal with Hank when he came down.


Chapter Four


"You’re her mate. Mate."

Giles left Angelus with that thought and went back downstairs. When he got to the bottom he saw that Hank had come in and was standing in the middle of his living room, looking for the world like he was going to kill someone.

Giles was rather surprised at the man’s quiet voice.

"Since when is my daughter married?"

"About two and a half months ago, Mr. Summers. A few days before you so tactfully showed up again, without warning."

Hank closed his eyes and fell, luckily into a chair.

"The man I saw her with..."


"Who is he? How long has she known him?"

Giles sat down across from the man. "Your daughter met him the night she married him."

"What?!" Hank shot out of his chair. "Why didn’t you stop her? Couldn’t you stop her?"

"It’s rather a long story, and not one I’m in any position to tell, nor is it my place to tell. Suffice to say that yes, she did come to me for advice, and I supported her in her decision."

"You what?!"

Giles raised an eyebrow. Hank looked ready to explode...his face was red, and the Watcher could swear he saw steam coming out of the man’s ears.

"I supported her decision. Your daughter is a unique person, and she came to me with a unique situation. I felt that, under the circumstances, getting married as she wanted was the right thing to do. As did she, and Angel as well."

Hank started to say something, but there was a pounding on the stairs and Giles turned to see Angelus coming down, looking pissed.

"I don’t know who’s doing the yelling, but it stops now! You woke her up."

Giles stood quickly, worried. "She was asleep?"

Angelus shook his head. "No, she was passed out, but she shouldn’t be startled awake like that. It scared her."

"She passed out? Again?"

Angelus’ face darkened. "‘Again’? How many times has it happened?"

Giles frowned. "Oh, dear. You didn’t get *any* of my messages, did you?"

Angelus shook his head.

"She’s passed out four or five times now. She can’t seem to stay with us. The pain was too much...and for her, that’s saying quite a lot."

Angelus nodded. He turned to Hank, frowning. "You were the one yelling."

Hank’s eyes were cold but he kept his anger in check. He could already tell that this man was just as dangerous as Joyce had said Giles was, and it occurred to him for a moment that his daughter had effectively surrounded herself with quite vicious and obviously caring, bodyguards. He nodded. "Yes."

Angelus took a step forward, and Hank found himself taking one back. "You will stop yelling right now, or I will throw you out, physically, right now. Is that clear?"

Hank nodded. Angel shot him one more glare before going back up the stairs. After Angel was out of sight, Hank turned to Giles again and sent his own glare.

"‘...and for her, that’s saying quite a lot’?"

Giles said nothing, merely met his gaze.

After a few minutes of that, Hank realized that he wasn’t going to get anything else from this man. And he wasn’t going to be able to get anywhere near his daughter tonight. Not with that...that *man* up there, blocking his way.

Grabbing his coat, Hank Summers stormed out of Rupert Giles apartment only twenty minutes after he arrived, but almost ten times as angry. However, now he also had to worry that his daughter’s life was violent, if Mr. Giles’ comment was any indication.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Hank kicked at his car before he got in. He also had to wonder just *where* Buffy met this husband of hers...the one that looked like he was not only no stranger to violence, but also like he wouldn’t hesitate to kill. As he drove back to the house, Hank ran over his short conversation with Giles in his mind.

‘Your daughter is a unique person, and she came to me with a unique situation.’

[Great. That’s nice and vauge.]

‘I felt that, under the circumstances, getting married as she wanted was the right thing to do.’

[What circumstances?]

Hank hit the steering wheel. Now he had about fifteen questions more than when he started, which didn’t do anything at all to calm his still very present rage about finding his daughter being felt up outside her dorm room.

Hank abruptly swung the car around. He didn’t need to see Joyce right now.

He needed a drink.



Chapter Five


Angelus took a step forward, and Hank found himself taking one back. "You will stop yelling right now, or I will throw you out, physically, right now. Is that clear?"

Hank nodded. Angel shot him one more glare before going back up the stairs.


When he got to the top he rushed forward. Buffy was trying to sit up, but it was plain from the look on her face that it hurt way too much.

"Buffy, don’t." He sat down next to her and gently pushed on her shoulders. She lay back and closed her eyes.

"You were too far away." Her voice was a whisper, but Angelus’ vampire ears heard her just fine.

"I’m back now, ok? Don’t push yourself. Just rest."

"Not close enough."

Angelus looked at her wordlessly for a moment. It was upsetting to know how much her hurting hurt *him*. When he’d heard in LA that she hadn’t been patrolling, all he’d been able to think about was ‘what if she’s gone?’

He’d almost gone insane just from the thought. That’s when he’d realized that the moment she was gone, he would be too.

Coming back here to find her like this hadn’t been reassuring.

Angelus let a finger trace down her cheek. Buffy whimpered as she was hit with another spasm.


He lay down beside her and gathered her small form against his larger one, nestling her back against his chest. "Shhh...I’m right here." He ran a hand up and down her arm in a soothing motion, but she continued to moan.

"Not close enough. It hurts...god, it hurts..."

Angelus held her tighter and let his hand drift down her abdomen and under the shirt she wore to her bare thigh, Giles’ words suddenly springing into his head ‘You’re her mate. Mate.’ He started making small circles on the front of her thigh, inching closer to her core...and the wetness he could smell.

He moved his mouth to her ear. "Is this closer?"

"Yes." She shifted a little, letting one leg drape back over his thigh. She turned her head into his neck and whimpered again as a searing pain shot through her stomach. "Please. Please don’t make me beg."

"No. Not this time." He moved his hand down and between her thighs, rubbing along her slick inner lips. He slid two fingers into her and his eyes widened. Her inner muscles were clamping onto his fingers so tightly he could barely move them.

"Buffy, am I hurting you?"

She shook her head and pushed back onto the fingers he’d partially pulled out arching her back. Angelus looked down and then had to close his eyes. Her nipples were hard and probably aching, poking out against the material of the white button down shirt...that looked suspiciously like one of her Watcher’s. But he’d worry about that later. Probably, it couldn’t be avoided.

After taking a few unnecessary breaths to calm himself, Angelus opened his eyes again and focused on his mate, who was writhing against his hand, almost riding it without his even moving. He started to meet her movements, bringing his thumb up to brush against her clit. Buffy’s body jerked.


Seemed that once she was in the habit of begging, she couldn’t stop. Angel added two more fingers, moving all four in and out faster. His thumb gently circled her clit, bringing her to a soft peak. She moaned and writhed as the orgasm washed over her, and whimpered when it was over.


Buffy rubbed her ass against his now rock hard cock. "A little." She turned around so she was facing him and watched him lick his hand clean. "But it still hurts." She reached down and started unbuttoning his leather pants.

She lowered the zipper and his erection sprung free. Angelus rolled on top of her and lifted her shirt up over her head instead of unbuttoning it while she did the same for his. He rested his weight on his arms, bent at the elbows on either side of her head.

Buffy wrapped her legs around his waist. "In me." He nodded and slowly, so not to hurt her now apparently *very* tight core, slid into her. She moaned and tightened her legs.

Angelus held still for a moment to gain some control. When they *first* made love she wasn’t this tight; if he didn’t stop for a minute this would be over...and this was for *her*, not him. It had to last.

When he was sure he had himself under control he started to move, easing out a few inches and then back in. Buffy arched against him, pulling her legs up along his back, allowing him to slid even deeper. Angelus leaned down and captured a nipple between his lips, suckling gently as he moved in her.

Buffy started to pant and nudged at his head. "Other one now. Angel...other one..."

He moved from her left nipple to her right, taking it into his mouth and sliding his hand up to tweak at the first. Buffy twisted her hips, trying to tempt him into slamming into her.

It worked.

Angelus pulled halfway out and shoved in, earning a high pitched squeal from his Slayer as she started coming in waves. He did it again and again five or six times, letting her come down, before he changed to shallow strokes and started a hard pounding rhythm. He lifted his head and captured her mouth, sucking her tongue into his and suckling on it while letting one hand drift down between them as he stroked in and out of her.

Angelus took hold of her clit and rolled it between his fingers. Buffy’s legs tightened around his waist and her mouth opened in a silent scream as she came a third time, rocking her hips against her lover’s. This time, Angelus let himself follow her and shot his seed deep into her body, cooling her flame.

Buffy moaned and held him. When he tried to roll off her she whimpered and tightened her hold.

"I’m too heavy."

She shook her head. "I like it. It feels safe."

He smiled down at her and let his weight rest on her for a minute before holding her to him and rolling so she was on top. He kissed her head and pulled the covers over them.

"Better now?"

She nodded into his chest and snuggled closer. "Pain’s all gone."



Chapter Six


Joyce stared at the door. After Hank had finally gotten back, he’d packed his bag and left after informing her in no uncertain terms that Buffy didn’t need him, didn’t want him, and he’d be damned if her ‘husband’ yelled at him again.

He also muttered something about wanting to live to see his next birthday.

So, now she was outside Rupert Giles’ apartment, in search of answers. Because, when she last checked, Buffy wasn’t married. Joyce hadn’t heard ‘boo’ from her boyfriend in over three months, and he used to come over all the time...tradition demanded it. Joyce liked it. Old fashioned, perhaps, to get the mother’s approval, but she liked it. But now he was gone.

And her daughter was being felt up by strange men in her dorm hallway. It had suddenly occurred to Joyce that she knew almost nothing about her daughter’s life. In fact, knew almost nothing about her *daughter*.

It wasn’t a comfortable feeling.

She took a deep breath and knocked.


Giles was upstairs, peeking in through the door at the couple on the bed. He smiled when Buffy nuzzled into Angel and sighed. The pain seemed to be gone.

[Thank God.]

The watcher couldn’t ever remember being that scared. When the Master had killed Buffy, he hadn’t found out until after. It was quite another thing to watch your daughter slowly and painfully being ripped away.

Someone knocked on the front door and Giles gave one last look at Buffy and Angelus before going down to answer it. When he found Joyce Summers standing on his front stoop, to say he was surprised would have been an understatement.

The surprise quickly changed to anger. "What do you want?"

Joyce stepped back a bit at his tone. "I...I was hoping I could see my daughter."

Giles stared coolly and shook his head. "I can’t give permission for that, it isn’t my place. And she isn’t awake at the moment. I don’t want to disturb her. You’ll have to come back."

Joyce frowned. "She’s *my* daughter. You can’t keep me from her."

"On the contrary, I can. But it isn’t me this time, you see. You’ll have to talk to her husband about it."

Her eyes narrowed. "Yes, I’ve heard about that." Joyce tilted her head and put her hands on her hips. "Exactly when did this take place?"

The smiled she got was pure Ripper. "I believe it happened a few days before you called and cussed me out. Have a nice evening, Mrs. Summers."

Joyce took an instinctive step back as the door slammed shut in her face.


Somewhere downstairs, the sound of a slamming door woke Angelus. He tried not to wake Buffy as he got up and pulled his pants on, but just as he got to the door her voice pulled him back.

"You’re not leaving, are you?"

Angelus shook his head. "I’m just going to go see what the noise was."

She gave him an odd look. "It was a door slamming."

"Ha ha. I’ll be right back, ok?"

She nodded and he went downstairs.


Giles sank onto the couch and picked up his book. He refused to let the incident nag on him any more than absolutely necessary.

A minute later the book was taken out of his hands. He looked up to see Angelus staring down at him with one eyebrow raised.

"Who slammed the door?"

Giles nodded. "That was me, yes. Her mother came, and I’m rather afraid I lost my temper."

Angelus’ eyes narrowed. "What did she want?"

"She *said* she just wanted to talk to Buffy."

The vampire sat down across from him. "You don’t believe her?"

"I know her too well. I’ve seen the damage she can cause. No, I didn’t believe her. Especially considering the way she reacted to me mentioning you. I wasn’t willing to take the risk she might hurt Buffy, especially when she’s so vulnerable."

"Good." Angelus stood back up. "I have to go back. She was practically panicking at the idea of me coming down here."

Giles nodded. "Considering that her illness was due to separation, I can understand that."

Angelus paused on the bottom step. "You might want to go out for something to eat."

The watcher twisted around in his seat and met the other man’s eye. After about a minute he nodded again. "I think I will." He got up and grabbed his jacket and wallet, closing the front door softly behind him.



Chapter Seven


Buffy was sitting up when Angelus got back to the bedroom.

"What was it?"

"Your mother came. Giles lost his temper and slammed the door in her face."

"Oh." She started picking at the comforter and kept her eyes on her hands. Angelus came over to sit on the bed and lifted her chin with a finger.

"What’s wrong?"

Buffy bit her lip. "Do you think I’ll ever be able to talk to her about my life without her freaking out?"

He sighed and slid into bed with his mate, sliding an arm around her shoulders. Buffy leaned into him and nuzzled his neck.

"I don’t know. I don’t know her...but from what I’ve heard, she doesn’t understand. She thinks it’s something you chose, not something you were born into."

Buffy nodded against him. "The night she found out, I had to leave to stop Drusilla from pulling the sword out of Acathla. I couldn’t stay and explain it to her. She...she kicked me out."

Angelus fought down a growl. "What happened?"

"I left for the summer, and when I came back she acted like it never happened. We never really talked about it after that. She didn’t want to know. The one time it came up, she tried to burn me at the stake...though, that was a demon’s influence."

"A demon?"

"Hansel and Gretel demon thing. Don’t ask."

"Ok." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "So, do you *want* to talk to her?"

"I don’t know. I don’t *not* want to talk to her...I guess...I just want her to get it. And she doesn’t want to get it...and I’m not sure I can make her get it, and at this point, I think I just need to get that she doesn’t get it." Buffy scrunched up her face. "Did that make any sense at all?"



He kissed her head again and felt her sigh against him. "Giles went out for a while."

Buffy looked up at her husband. "We’re alone?"

"Yes." He looked down at her for a minute before lifting her chin with one finger. Gently, he pressed his lips against her, tenderly tasting them but keeping it light.

When he pulled away, Buffy followed, trying to recapture his mouth.

"Are you sure you’re up to this? You’ve been sick."

As an answer she leaned forward, took his bottom lip into her mouth and bit down. Angelus growled.

Buffy moaned at the sound and let go of his lip. "I know *you’re* up for it..."

"Oh, god yes." He rolled over and pinned her beneath him. "Let me show you just *how* up for it I am." He ground his hips into hers and nuzzled her neck, sucking harshly on the raised scar of his brand.

Buffy whimpered and raised her knees, cradling his body. She felt his cool hands undo-ing the buttons she’d just finished buttoning.

"I don’t know why I bothered to put it back on..."

"Neither do I." Angelus slid the shirt off of her and kissed down between her breasts. "So, want to tell me why you’re wearing one of your Watcher’s shirts?"

"Because I *was* wearing one of yours, but after I started to get a fever, Giles thought that the silk probably wasn’t helping, and all of his are cotton." She ran her hands down her mate’s stomach and pulled at the button-fly on his jeans. "When did you get these? I thought you hated button-flies."

"On you." Angelus switched to game face and sucked one nipple into his mouth, biting down gently on the areola and taking a small sip of her blood. Buffy screamed, arching her back. He felt the warm flood of her orgasm seeping through his still partially closed pants and growled.

The rest of the buttons were undone in record time.

Angelus gave her breast a final kiss and started to move farther down only to be stopped by a set of very closed legs. He looked up at her still in game face and growled. Buffy shook her head.

"Not like this." She rolled over and got up on her knees. "Like this." She looked back at him over her shoulder and saw him raise an eyebrow.

"It feels strong. Safe." She wiggled her ass and pouted. "Please?"

Angelus chuckled. "Because I make such a habit of refusing such offers." He draped himself over her, leaning down to nibble on her shoulder. Buffy felt the tip of his cock nudging her and moaned.

Her lover chuckled again. "Want something?"

Buffy whimpered and pushed back against him, but he pulled back.


"Please what?" Angelus ran a hand down her side, tracing her curves and making her shiver. "You know, our first time was like this. Just..." he bent over and lightly nipped at her hip, "...like..." a lick to the small of her back, "...this." He latched onto her scar and sucked and bit, but didn’t pierce the skin. Buffy moaned.

"I know." She dropped her head forward and squeezed her eyes shut. "Please, I need you in me."

"I know." Angelus soothed the mark on her shoulder which was now rimmed with a set of human teeth marks. He kissed in and moved his mouth to her ear. "Ask me one more time."

She spread her legs a bit more and turned to look at him over her shoulder. "Fuck me?"

Angelus bit down on her scar again with his human teeth and entered her in one smooth stroke. Buffy’s legs almost gave out and she let loose a high pitched keening sound.

Reaching around with one hand to stroke her clit, Angelus started a hard, fast rhythm, timing his movements with her heartbeat. Buffy flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked back at him, only to have her head moved back to face the headboard. Just as he’d done that night.

The resemblance the their first coupling was too much and Angelus realized he wasn’t going to make it much longer. Taking her clit between his thumb and forefinger, he rolled it and then pinched.

Buffy’s body started to jerk as her orgasm slammed through her. She struggled to stay upright, but Angelus didn’t let go of her clit for more than a few seconds, railroading her into a second climax as he shot his cool seed into her. When she finally came down, her legs *did* give out and she collapsed on the bed, panting, with her lover blanketing her.

Angelus licked the mark on her neck and Buffy realized that she’d come so hard she hadn’t even felt him bite her.

After a few minutes he rolled off and pulled her with, cradling the small Slayer into his arms. He looked down at her and smiled. "Sleep, ok? You’ve been sick."

"Do you have to be somewhere?" she stretched and tried to stifle a yawn.

"No." He thought about the fact that he hadn’t dropped his bags off at the mansion yet, and the fact that Penn needed to talk to him. "Nope. I don’t have anywhere to be."


:: On To Part Five ::


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