Title: Puppy Love
Author: Gileswench
Contact: gileswench@yahoo.com
Date: 10/22/01
Spoilers: Through Flooded
Summary: Dawn's birthday and a spell bring Watcher and Slayer closer together than ever before
Rating: PG-13 and barely that
Category: Romance
Pairing: Buffy/Giles
Distribution: If you've had my permission in the past, you have it now. All others, ask and ye shall receive.
Feedback: Constructive criticism always welcome. Praise abjectly sought.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, etc., etc., etc. I just let them have all the fun Joss won't. I own nothing except my twisted mind which you really don't want. Please don't sue.
Notes: This one comes to you courtesy of Belinda's birthday challenge. Sorry it's late, dearie! Anyway, here's the challenge:

1.Must be Dawn's birthday.
2.Someone must give her a puppy. A cute, slobbery, tail-waggy puppy.
3.The puppy must have a squeaky chew toy.
4.Although the puppy adores Dawn, he (or she) must also be inordinately attached to Giles.
5.Someone (preferably Buffy, but any one of the gang) must catch Giles playing with the squeaky chew toy, and baby talking the puppy.
6.There must be a Buffy/Giles pairing. (I mean, duh, this is me). Any rating, though in keeping with the kid's birthday theme, you might want to keep it somewhat clean. Or not. Whatever <eg>.
7.No, and I cannot stress this enough, NO angst may bedarken this fic. I'm looking for happy fun time. It's my birthday, y'know. No talk of death, burial, and resurrection. Joyce may (and likely should) be mentioned, but in a nostalgic, at least semi-happy way, not a way that makes everyone sad.
8.Finally, it must contain 3 or more of the following:
-Anya getting some tradition right for a change.
-A spell gone wonky in a good way.
-Spike jonesing for a cigarette.
-Rock 'em, Sock 'em Robots, or a reference to them (don't ask).
-That finger puppet Tara gave Giles (Grr, argh!).
-Someone singing show tunes.-Two or more characters spontaneously quoting a scene from The Princess Bride.
-One of those guns that, when you pull the trigger, a flag with the word "bang" pops out (again, don't ask).

* * * * * * * * * *

"What is that?" Buffy asked pointedly, her arms folded across her chest.

"Dawn's birthday present," Giles responded. "It is her birthday, I am fond of Dawn, and she wanted one."

Buffy rolled her eyes.

"You know Mom would have totally killed you for this if she was here?"

"Yes, well, I was rather hoping her daughter would be a bit more forgiving. Your mother was a lovely woman, and a good friend, but I wouldn't have liked to cross her."

The pair shared a nostalgic smile.

"Okay. Dawn can have it - but only as long as she takes care of it. I've got too much to deal with already without a dog to walk and feed and stuff. Is she trained?"

"Dawn? I rather believe that's your department, not mine."

"The dog. The sister is sixteen and sorta past the point where I can do much training. It's more about molding the edges at this point."

"Ah. The dog. Yes, he's trained."

Buffy looked skeptically at the beagle puppy.

"You got a boy dog for an all girl household?"

"I thought you could use the masculine influence."

Buffy tried to glare, but when Giles smiled in that boyish way, she just couldn't. He was entirely too cute. She began to laugh instead. Giles' smile broadened. Buffy hadn't smiled or laughed enough lately. And she was so pretty when she did.

"Okay, okay. We have a boy dog," Buffy said.

"Oh, and here's his leash, his collar, and...um...well...you'll want this for him as well."

Buffy took the rubber hamburger with some trepidation.

"And this would be...?"

"A...um...a chew toy. He's teething. It'll give him something other than the furniture to chew on."

Buffy raised one eyebrow and squeezed the burger. It gave a squeak. She looked at Giles. He shrugged. The puppy barked and wagged its tail, his oversized front paws pacing back and forth in front of Buffy while the hind ones stayed still.

"It was that or the Snoopy. Somehow I didn't think it would do to have one beagle gnawing on another."

"Cannibalism not to be encouraged. Gotcha."

At this juncture, Dawn came down the stairs still rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Happy birthday, Dawn. Look what Giles has for you."

Dawn blinked. She rubbed her eyes.

"I'm still asleep, aren't I?"

"No, baby sister, he's all yours. And I do mean *all* yours. You get to take him for walks and feed him and all of that stuff."

Immediately, Dawn was on her knees hugging the squirming ball of fur to her chest as the puppy licked her face in excitement.

"Oh, aren't you da most pwecious t'ing," Dawn exclaimed.

"Um, Dawn, dogs...they need a bit of a firm hand," Giles told her mildly. "That sort of talk, well, it spoils them; makes them difficult to discipline. Let me show you."

Dawn put the puppy down.

"Sit!" Giles ordered.

The puppy immediately fell to its haunches.

"Good boy. Come!"

The puppy marched over to Giles who gave him a treat. As the dog sat crunching it on the floor, Giles handed the packet of treats to Dawn.

"You see, dogs like a master to show them how to behave. If you don't let them know you're boss, they quickly get out of hand. Show him affection, certainly, but it must be tempered with discipline."

By this time the puppy had finished his treat and came over to Giles. He wriggled happily when Giles reached down to pet him.

Buffy hung back and watched the pair bond over the dog. She sighed quietly to herself. She wondered if she would ever again have an uncomplicated moment of fun with a guy. She felt she was ready to start looking for romance again, but on her terms this time. She wanted to find someone who was kind and gentle, but could take care of himself in the crises that defined her existence. Someone with a sense of humor, but not the whoopee cushion kind...more...witty. Someone who could put up with her destiny and not wig out over it. Someone smart. Someone loyal. Someone kind to animals.

"Great," she mumbled to herself. "All I need is to find some guy in a Boy Scout uniform and I'm set."


Tara was so engrossed in her spellbook that she didn't even notice Willow was in the room until a pair of arms slid comfortably around her waist.

"Hey, baby," she said as she gave her lover a brief kiss.

"What are you up to?" Willow asked.

"Oh just a little spell I was thinking of casting."

"What sort of spell? Something for Dawn for her birthday?"

"Actually, something for Buffy."

"It's not Buffy's birthday."

"I know. It's just...she's alone right now, and it's sorta sad. I think maybe she's ready to find a new boyfriend."

"So it's a love spell?"

"Not exactly. What it does, it summons those who love you most. So if Riley still loves her, then he'll come home in time for the party tonight, and she can try again if she wants."

"That's great! I know Riley got kinda messed up and everything, but if Buffy's really ready this time, that would be so cool. Let's do it, but we'd better not say anything to Buffy. She'd be pretty mad at us. Oh, and maybe we shouldn't say anything to Giles, either."

"It'll be our secret."


"You're sure you won't come to the party tonight, Giles? Cake, ice cream, a dozen sixteen year old girls...I could throw in a nice zombie attack for you."

"Buffy, I'm quite certain the last thing Dawn wants at her party is a stuffy old man talking about what his youth was like in another country in the Bronze Age."

"Hey! You don't get to call yourself old. Only I get to do that. And Dawn loves having you around."

"Yes, but Anya will be at the party and I've agreed to watch the shop while she's here. It's not often she allows me in there anymore."

"Okay. I guess you have to protect your investment. But after you have to come over. There's cake, and I know how you love cake. I even baked it myself."

"I'm not sure I'll be able to," Giles said looking at his shoes. "I tell you what; if I can't get back tonight, I'll come round tomorrow and let you feed me. How would that be?"

"Just great. I'll see you later."

They both stood in the doorway for a moment. Then Giles seemed to pull himself out of a reverie and left. Buffy watched him go with a tiny smile. It really was wonderful to have Giles back. Now if she could just figure out a way to make sure he never went away again.


Willow and Tara slumped down as the candles guttered and the magic left them.

"Wow," Tara breathed. "That was way more intense than I was expecting."

"Yeah. Wow. More intenseness than I thought there would be. Too."

Tara eyed her lover. She knew something was up.

"Um...Willow, did you add something to that spell?"

"Add?" the redhead stalled. "W - what would I add?"

"Honey, you know that can be dangerous. What did you do?"

"It was just a little, teeny thing that couldn't hurt anything at all. Not dangerous."


"Well...I just...Riley was such a poophead about leaving Buffy. I wanted to make sure she doesn't get hurt again, so I added this thing where the guy who shows up has to prove why he deserves Buffy. 'Cause Buffy's special, and she shouldn't have to be with some guy who isn't really special too. What could go wrong with that?"

"Uh oh."



Notes and Disclaimer with part 1

As the time for the party approached, Giles felt as though he ought to be there. He resisted for some time, but finally decided that this was the night. He was finally going to tell Buffy how he felt about her and let her determine his fate.

He became quite snappish with the young woman who was having difficulty choosing what scent of incense to buy, and nearly threw out the spotty-faced, weak-chinned man who asked if the lust potion came with a money back guarantee. As soon as he's gotten rid of them, he closed up the shop and headed out the door to the Summers house.


Riley had no idea how or when he'd ended up on a plane back home to the States. All he knew was that he needed to get to Buffy as quickly as he could. When the plane landed at the Sunnydale airport, he decided it was fate. Tonight he would get her back once and for all.


Angel began the drive to Sunnydale a few minutes before sunset. The car would be enough to shield him, and he had to get to Buffy. She called to him in some way he couldn't explain. Even Cordelia's protestations that this must be some sort of spell hadn't been enough to hold him back. Buffy was his and it was time to claim her back.


Spike hunted madly through his crypt for something to take with him. It wouldn't do to show up at the Niblet's birthday party without a gift, even if it was more of a cover than the reason for his visit.

He searched through the pile of treasures he'd brought home from his last trip to the dump. The Rock 'em Sock 'em Robot set, he put aside immediately. That wouldn't do for a Sweet Sixteen. Besides, he liked it too much himself.

The nearly empty bottle of bath salts, the broken parasol, and the pretty blue sweater stained with an unknown fluid were also quickly rejected as options.

At last he found what he was looking for: a necklace he'd found. It was whole, except that a bit of the gold plating was gone off the chain. And since it was a heart locket, he could always say it was a family heirloom, and that's why it looked so tatty.

Yeah, that would do.

Then he'd have an excuse to take Buffy aside and plead his case to her one more time. Maybe this time, if he didn't threaten to let anyone eat her, she'd accept his love.


Jonathan popped another breathmint into his mouth. A guy couldn't be too sure about his freshness when asking a hottie like Buffy Summers out. He had no idea where the courage had come from, but tonight he was going to show those guys he could do it...even without hypnotizing her. After all, Buffy had talked to him several times, even since high school. Wasn't that a sure sign a babe was interested?

As he approached the Summers house, he checked his breath and his armpits one more time, and prayed The Force was with him.


Dawns' party was in full swing. Buffy breathed a sigh of relief. A whole hour into the festivities and nothing untoward had happened yet.

"Maybe the great party curse is over," she mused.

Dawn and her friends were all entranced with the puppy, who now rejoiced in the name of Edgar because Dawn decided his droopy eyes reminded her of Edgar Allen Poe. Edgar raced around the backyard as the girls played keep away with his chew toy. It kept them all entertained and was rapidly wearing Edgar out, which Buffy considered a bonus.

Xander and Anya were helping put out snacks while Willow and Tara mixed punch. Buffy herself was putting the finishing touches on the birthday cake.

"Will? Have you seen the birthday candles?"

"I think we used them up on Tara's birthday. Didn't you get more?"

Buffy slumped in dejection.

"Great. Dawn's going to kill me."

"It's alright, Buffy," Anya piped up. She grabbed her purse and rummaged through it. "Here. I thought Dawn might like these better than the regular ones."

Buffy took the two candles in the shapes of a one and a six.

"These are so perfect. Thanks Anya; you're a lifesaver."

She gave the ex demon a quick, impulsive hug and arranged the candles on the cake. Just as she was about to light the candles, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Buffy said. "Giles said he might show. I bet it's him."

She swung the door open only to find the last person in the world she expected to see.


"Buffy. I'm back."

"Yeah. Back. I see."

She pulled herself together and stood back in silent invitation. Riley walked in and looked around.

"The place looks a little different."

"Well, y'know, we did a little redecorating recently. Riley, what are you doing here?"

"I had to see you. Buffy, I was a fool to leave. I don't know what got into me. I want to try again.

Buffy folded her arms across her chest.

"Just like that, huh?"

"Look, I know I messed up. I wasn't thinking straight. But I've had a lot of time to think and, if you're willing, I think we could try again, and it would be good. So what do you say?"

Before she could answer, the doorbell rang again. Buffy went to answer it and immediately found herself swept into Angel's embrace.

Riley's jaw clenched and his hands curled into fists.

Buffy shoved Angel back.

"What the hell was that about?"

"Destiny," the vampire replied. "I love you, you love me, and we should be together. We'll find a way to deal with the curse. It'll be better this time, I swear."

"And you came to this decision exactly when?"

"Today. But, Buffy, I've known for a long time that there was nobody for me but you."

The doorbell rang yet again.

"Saved by the bell...I hope."

Buffy pulled the door open to find Jonathan standing on her step shuffling his feet nervously.

"Hi Buffy. Look, I can see you've got company, so I'll make this short..."

"Yeah, sorta like you," Riley muttered under his breath.

"Um...I think you're really, really pretty, like prettier than Seven of Nine or even Princess Leia, so I was thinking maybe we could go out sometime. Maybe. If you want."

Buffy stared in disbelief. After a moment, she turned and stalked to the kitchen. Jonathan continued to fidget on the doorstep.

"So, do you guys think that was a yes or a no?"


Buffy pulled Willow into a corner.

"Okay, spill. What the hell did you do?"

"What are you talking about, Buff? I didn't do anything. Bad."

"C'mon, Will. I haven't even had a date in almost a year and suddenly it's raining men in here."

"Raining? How many men?"

"Three so far. Riley..."

"Riley's back? Great. I always knew he'd come back again."

"And Angel..."

"Oh...maybe not such a good idea."

"And Jonathan Levinson. Y'know, the one the chess club made fun of in high school. They're all here and they all want me. How, I wonder, did that happen?"

"Maybe it's that new conditioner you're using. Really great for cutting down on the frizz."

Buffy glared at her friend.

"I don't think Riley heard about my new conditioner in Belize."

"Okay, okay, Tara and I did a spell so maybe he'd come back and you guys could try again, but we never did anything to make Angel or Jonathan want you."

"You're sure about that?"

Spike walked in the back door.

"Hello, Buffy...Slayer."

"What are you doing here?"

"Come to pay my respects to the Niblet on her birthday, if that's quite all right with you."

"Fine. I assume you said you respect her outside. Why are you in my kitchen?"

"Just trying to be neighborly, like. Hey, Red, I think your girl wants to see you outside. Said I should tell you."

"And you were going to say something when, Spike?"

"I just bloody did. No need to get edgy."

Willow rolled her eyes and went outside. Spike watched her go and turned back to Buffy.

"Now that we're alone, could I tell you something, Buffy?"

"Depends on what you want to tell me, William."

Spike fidgeted nervously for a moment, then patted down his pockets with increasing frustration.

"Bloody hell! I had some fags yesterday. Wish I had one left."

"Get to the point, Spike, before I find a piece of wood that already has one."

"Okay, okay! No need to get your knickers in a bunch."

The vampire blew out an unneeded breath and squared his shoulders.

"Look...Buffy...we've known each other for...well...a long time now and, okay, I spent a bit of that time wanting to wade in your entrails, but that's all behind me now. I know you didn't really believe me last time, what with me chaining you up and telling you I'd let Dru eat you if you didn't want to be with me, but I still feel the same way, and I promise, I won't let nobody eat you at all. So, what do you say? Want to give it a go?"

Buffy stared at him for a long moment.

"That's it? That's your offer? You won't let anybody eat me? And I'm supposed to love you for that?"

"Well...yeah. So will you?"

Buffy rolled her eyes and stalked back to the living room.

"Well, just think about it a bit, will you?"



Notes and Disclaimer with part 1


Arriving in the living room, Buffy quickly realized she'd made a mistake. Riley and Angel were standing toe to toe glaring at one another while Jonathan cowered in a corner. On closer inspection, Buffy saw that Jonathan was frightened, not just of the potential for a fight, but of the fact that Angel had gone into game face. Buffy moved to separate the two men.

"I can't leave you two alone together for a single minute, can I?"

"He started it," Angel began.

"I don't care who started it, it ends now! Sit! Both of you."

Angel and Riley took opposite ends of the sofa. When Buffy raised an eyebrow, Angel allowed his demon to retreat.

Jonathan left his corner and moved to Buffy's side.

"Um...Buffy, I know that these guys are both taller and better looking than me, but at least I don't get into fights."

Buffy turned to him and folded her arms across her chest. She unfolded them when she realized that Jonathan was now staring dumbfounded at her breasts.

"Jonathan? I'm up here."

The boy startled.

"Oh...yeah. Well, um, I know you think I'm not much of a man, but I could make you happier than anyone else could. If you go out with me, I'll even give you my entire collection of signed Star Wars game cards. So, would you?"

At this juncture, Dawn entered the room with Giles in tow.

"Hey Buffy, Giles made it after all!"

Giles looked a bit crestfallen when he saw who else was on the scene.

"I just wanted to drop by and wish Dawn a very happy birthday," he said.

"Um...not that I'm not glad to see you, but didn't you do that this morning?" Buffy asked.

"Yes, yes, I did. But as I recall, you did invite me to come back for cake."

Buffy grinned at him.

"I knew you couldn't hold out against that sweet tooth of yours. Tell you what, I've got a couple things to deal with here, and then it's cake time. Okay?"

"Okay." Giles turned to the youngest Summers. "In the meantime, Dawn, might I have a word with you in private?"

"Sure, Giles. I guess we could go to my room."

Buffy nodded her assent, and the pair walked upstairs. As soon as they were out of the room, Angel accosted her.

"Look, Buffy, you don't want to go out with that pipsqueak over there," he said as he pointed at Jonathan. "He's not good enough for you."

"And you are? As I recall, you already left me."

"Yeah, but I had to. But now, I think I can control things."

"How? How do you control a big, burning fated love?"

"Look, I'm as scared as you, Buffy, but I need to try. I can't really say it in normal words, so I'm going to do a little something I worked up to explain. It's a medley of show tunes..."

Before Buffy could protest, the vampire was singing in a weak, slightly off key voice:


Riley rolled his eyes.

"That has got to be the lamest come on of all time. Look, Buffy, if these two are bothering you, I'll be happy to kick both their asses."

"How, Riley? How are you going to kick Angel's ass? And look at Jonathan; he's half your size and used to get beaten up by the AV club when we went to school. You'd just be a big bully."

"But we can fight demons together. I'm trained in this, Buffy. I can keep you safe."

Buffy shook her head.

"You couldn't take me when you were pumped full of Superman drugs. I thought you were a normal guy when we met. That's what I wanted...or at least I thought I did. Now you are, and I know that's not what I need. Besides, as soon as you were Joe Normal, you wigged. I don't want to get you killed, Riley, and that's what I'd do. I care about you way too much to do that. Just...go away and have a good life. I can't give you one. And for God's sake, Angel, will you stop singing? You have the crappiest voice I ever heard!"

Angel stopped dead in the middle of his solo rendition of the Colorado Love Call from Little Mary Sunshine.

"It...isn't that bad, is it?"

"You suck, Angel."

"Not humans..."

"I meant your singing. Look, even if we could be together, there's too much water under that bridge. I've moved on to the living and I like it. I'm sorry, but we're so over it's not even funny anymore. Go back to LA. Save some souls, and drop me a line once in a while. I'll always care, but I'm not your girl anymore. Let go."

Jonathan began to look hopeful. Buffy hated to crush him, but it had to be done.

"Don't even say anything, Jonathan. I'd get you killed in about a day and a half. Slaying isn't like playing Dungeons and Dragons. You can't just start again with a new character, and there's no treasure. It's all about killing or being killed, and you really don't want to mess with that. I'm sorry."

With that, she headed up the stairs, unsure why she was going there except in order to get away from all the lovesick swains in the living room.

Dawn's door was open a crack. Buffy knew the conversation in there wasn't meant for her ears, but she was near the door, so it wasn't as though she was really eavesdropping, was it? Nope. Just pausing outside her own bedroom door for a minute. She couldn't help it if she heard a little of what was said.

"Really? You do?" Dawn said.

"I know it's unlikely that she will return my feelings, but if she should do so, I wouldn't want to do anything to upset you," Giles assured her.

Buffy felt a stab of jealousy. Great. Giles had met a woman. Maybe that was what he meant about almost making a friend in England. Maybe he was bringing her here. Maybe he was planning to go back and be with her.

Either way, this was not what she wanted to hear.

"How would you feel about it, Dawn? And please, if you need time to think, then take it. As much as I want this, you do have a say in it."

"I don't have to think, Giles. I want you to stay. You may be kinda stuffy and old fashioned, but things get really weird when you're not around. Willow and Tara tried real hard, but it wasn't the same. I say go for it."

"She might say no, you realize."

"What would you do then?"

There was a long pause. Buffy nearly stopped breathing so she wouldn't miss the answer.

"In that case, I will stay. I'm not going anywhere unless Buffy sends me away."

"What if she wants to be with Riley or Angel again?"

"Then I shall take him aside and make it very clear to him that if Buffy is hurt in any way, he will have to answer to me...and quite possibly a baseball bat."

"You have a baseball bat?"

"I did at one time. If need be, I can get another."

"If you need one, I already have it."

"Well, that's one problem solved, then."

Buffy slipped back downstairs in a daze. She was the one Giles wanted to be with. A slow smile spread across her features as she headed back to the kitchen. Spike had joined the other suitors in the living room, but she ignored them all.

At the kitchen door, she turned back to where four men - well, two men and two vampires - argued vehemently over who was best suited to Buffy.

"I'm lighting the candles on the cake now, guys," she informed them. "Anyone who can behave themselves can stay and have cake. Anyone who gets out of line, is gone. Do you understand? Oh, and I'm not going out with any of you. Get that through your heads. I don't care whether any of you can sing or have piles of Sci-fi collectibles, or promise not to kill me anymore, I'm just not interested. In fact, I've already got a boyfriend."

She turned on her heel and headed out to the kitchen, refusing to answer the questions about this new man in her life.

Four dumbfounded men stared after her.

"Well," Spike sniffed at last. "That's torn it. I'm gonna go get myself a pack of fags." He patted his pockets and looked wide eyed at the others.

At last, Angel sighed and handed Spike a five dollar bill.

"Go on."

Spike grinned.

"Thanks, Dad."

With that, the blond vampire sauntered out the door. Angel looked at the clock.

"It's a long drive back to LA. I guess I should get started."

He, too, was gone.

Riley and Jonathan looked uncomfortably at one another.

"So," Jonathan said at last. "Do you like Star Wars? I got the Episode One DVD yesterday."

"Sure," Riley replied. "Y'know, I thought Jar Jar Binks was kinda cool."

"You too?"

As they left, they began to discuss the finer points of The Force.


At last, the party was over, and most of the guests gone. Buffy put away the leftover food and dumped the dirty dishes in the sink. Giles suddenly appeared in the doorway with another plate.

"Thanks," she told him as he handed it to her.

"The party went well."

"I think Dawn liked your present best."

"I really should have asked you first, but I knew how very much Dawn wanted a dog."

"And how very much harder it would be for me to turn down the offer of a dog that was staring at me with big brown eyes?"

Giles smiled sheepishly.

"Were my tactics that obvious?"

"I just know you pretty well by now. You get sneaky once in a while."

"You noticed."

"There's another thing I noticed. You haven't said a single word about the testosterone convention here earlier. Why not?"

He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked thoughtful.

"I suppose I was waiting for you to tell me if there's anything I need to know about it."

"Yeah, I think there is, Giles," she said, turning to face him squarely. "I sent them all away. They're all nice guys in their own ways...even Spike sometimes...but they don't belong with me. Besides, there's someone I'm a lot more interested in now."

A flash of disappointment filled Giles' eyes and was gone as quickly as it arrived, replaced by a tired resignation.

"I see. Well, when do I meet this new young man of yours?"

"Who said he was young? And anyway, who said you hadn't met him?"

"Buffy, virtually the only man I know that you know who wasn't here tonight is Wesley. Y - you're not..."

"No, I'm not. And he was here tonight. Not Wes, the guy."

"I assume you don't mean Xander?"

"You assume correctly."

Giles wracked his brain, but remained utterly at a loss.

"Buffy, you're speaking in riddles. Would you mind giving me the answer?"

She smiled, but shook her head.

"You're the answer guy. You can figure it out. Now I'm going to do the dishes, and no, I don't want any help. Go find yourself a place to think and come see me when you work it out."

Without warning, she reached up and touched his cheek. Despite his surprise, he leaned instinctively into the caress

"Don't go too far. I know it won't take you all that long," she told him as she turned back to the sink.

Giles stood rooted to the spot for a long moment, then fled out the back door, his head swimming with hope, fear, and confusion.



Notes and Disclaimer with part 1


Several minutes later, Giles had come to the inescapable conclusion that, other than Xander and the four lovestruck men Buffy had turned away, he was the only man who had been at the party. Still he sat on the back porch idly scratching Edgar's ears as he pondered the situation.

"Edgar, old boy, I have come to the painful realization that I will never understand women."

The beagle merely wagged his tail in reply, and nudged his chew toy closer to Giles.

The Englishman smiled and took the toy. He held it just out of the puppy's reach and squeaked it. Edgar barked and danced in anticipation of a good tussle. Giles squeaked the toy again and lifted it a bit higher.

Suddenly, he got a thoughtful look on his face. Wasn't this what he and Buffy had done with one another for years? They teased, they argued, they challenged, and they pushed each other's buttons. The one thing neither seemed able to do was to simply express affection in the standard, expected way.

He wondered which would have the courage to change the pattern just enough that they could act on their apparently mutual attraction.


Willow, Tara, Xander and Anya slumped in their various seats around the living room, tired after the long day. The two witches had finally told their friends about the spell and its intended purpose.

"I don't know why you thought it would work," Anya said. "Buffy paid little attention to Riley when he was here. Besides, I never really liked him. He was not very demon compatible."

"But he loved her so much," Willow protested.

Xander shook his head.

"That's not always enough, Will."

"But...but he came back. All the way from Belize, he came back. It's...it's...inconceivable that she wouldn't take him back after that."

"Didn't Oz come back from Tibet?" Xander persisted. "Not to be rub it in guy, but I don't see him here tonight."

"Well...okay, yeah, but there were circumstances. I was already with Tara. Buffy's not with anybody. She hasn't been for a long time."

"You guys just don't get it, do you?"

The four turned to see Dawn on the stairs.

"Dawnie, what are you doing up at this hour?" Tara asked.

"I had to pee. I heard you guys talking."

"What is it we guys don't get?"

Anya sounded perplexed.

Dawn rolled her eyes.

"You don't get that Riley wasn't big, burning passion guy. He was total rebound guy. That's why Buffy let him go to Belize in the first place. She could have stopped him if she really wanted."

"Out of the mouths of babes..." Xander quipped.

"Anyway, I think there's someone else she's totally into now."

"I knew I felt her energy change," Tara said. "I knew she was ready. But if it's not Riley, then who is it?"

Dawn shook her head as if to pity the blindness of others.

"I'm not saying, but I think by morning, I won't have to." The girl yawned emphatically. "Good night, everybody."

"Hey!" Anya called after her, "Who is it? Darn! I hate it when people say they have a secret, but then they won't tell me what it is. It's very rude of them."


Giles had become so engrossed in playing with Edgar that he didn't hear when the door opened. Buffy stood in the doorway trying hard not to laugh out loud at the sight before her.

Her Watcher was on his knees holding the squeaky hamburger as Edgar grabbed it in his teeth and did his best to pull it away from Giles. Edgar's tail wagged furiously even as he growled low in his throat. Giles responded with a growl of his own and a low laugh.

"Dat's a boy! Who's a good puppyboy?"

He let go of the toy and Edgar skidded backwards almost until he fell off the porch. The dog then let go of his toy and bounded at Giles. He licked the Watcher's face as Giles giggled merrily and made kissey noises at him.

Buffy couldn't repress her laughter anymore.

"You'd better not let Dawn catch you spoiling her dog."

Giles scrambled to his feet, his face bright red.

"Oh...ah...I'm afraid I don't know what got into me..."

"Giles. Chill. I won't rat you out."

She left the doorway and sat on the porch. Giles sat beside her so close they nearly touched and their postures mirrored one another. The wrapped their arms about their knees and looked at each other with sidelong glances.

"So, who should start?" Buffy asked.

"Ladies first."

"I think I already went first, back in the kitchen. Did you figure it out?"

Giles took a deep breath.

"Well, assuming that you refused all four of your suitors before turning them out, and assuming that Xander is not the object of your affections, that leaves only one possibility, doesn't it?"

"Making those two assumptions, yes."

"You have no intention of making this easy for me, have you?"


"Of course not. You never have. Why on earth should you start now?"

"Admit it, you love a challenge."

Giles smiled ruefully.

"How is it you read me so well?"

"I think it's like you and your books in Latin and Greek and stuff. If you take the time, you learn the language. Then everybody else gets impressed, when it was just about paying attention."

"There's a bit more to learning a language than that."

"Yeah, I know. But if more people took the time and tried, there'd be more multilingual people out there, too."

"Then why did you do so poorly in French?"

"Because I was only in it for the requirement. I had to graduate, and I needed a language to do it. If they'd had a class in Gilesean, maybe I would have done better."

Giles pulled off his glasses and put them in his pocket. He looked Buffy full in the face.

"If you speak...um...Gilesean...so well, what am I saying to you now?"

Buffy looked hard at him. After a moment she spoke.

"You want to believe in this, but you're scared. So am I y'know. You think maybe I'll be grossed out when I see you with no clothes on, or maybe I'm just latching onto something comfortable and I'll leave if Angel whistles again. That's not gonna happen. The others...they all did the dumbest stuff to try to impress me tonight, but you didn't. Note that I'm sitting here with you while the others are all gone."

"Buffy, I..."

"No, let me finish. You didn't do anything to impress me tonight, but you did it anyway. I heard you earlier, with Dawn. What you said...I was already having some pretty warm fuzzies for you, so this isn't just out of the blue, really, but I knew then that I could trust you not just with me, but with the thing in this world that means more to me than my own life: my little sister. I know I've hurt you a bunch of times, and I can't promise I'll never do it again. I'm not perfect, or anything. In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that I'll do something really crappy at some point. But I want to try not to do that. Giles, you know me like nobody else ever has, or ever will. I kinda get the feeling that it goes both ways, too. We've forgiven the unforgivable in each other over and over and over, and we're still together. Isn't that really what love is all about?"

"You know, I rather think it is. And I do, Buffy. I love you. I have done for a very long time now."

"I know. Like I said, I speak Gilesean. It's my second language. And I do, too. Love you."

Neither moved for a moment. They just sat, arms about their knees looking at one another happily. At last, Giles moved his arm to wrap it around Buffy's shoulders, and she allowed her head to rest against him. She let a contented sigh escape her lips.

"I think I like this being in love with you thing."

She felt his chuckle as it vibrated through her.

"It's nice, isn't it?"

"The nicest."

She looked up at him, and he looked down at her. Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She responded by moving her arms around his neck, holding him to her as she deepened the kiss. Neither noticed when the back door opened and four very surprised Scoobies appeared.

"Inconceivable!" Willow whimpered.

Xander wrapped an arm around his friends' shoulders.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

With that, he firmly shepherded the others back into the house.

It was some time before Buffy and Giles ended their kiss and melted into one anothers arms in a warm embrace.

"Wow," Buffy breathed. "That was incredible."

"Again I must ask how in heaven's name did you do so poorly in French?"

The pair laughed as Buffy blushed.

"Maybe because I never did *that* to the teacher."

The were quiet for a time, simply enjoying an uncomplicated moment of joy. It was interrupted when Edgar shuffled over to them and nudged Giles to come play with him.

"Not just now, old boy," he told the puppy.

Edgar looked sadly at Giles, then at Buffy, then walked with his ears drooping nearly to the ground to a corner of the porch and curled up to sleep.

"I kinda get the feeling I'm not the only one around here who's totally in love with you," Buffy mused.

"Poor Edgar."

"Nah. I know you'll hang with him a lot. I'm not even jealous. See? This is me not being jealous."

Giles chuckled and kissed her softly.

"I suppose I really ought to go. Xander will be waiting."

"Or you could stay."

He tucked a stray curl behind her ear.

"As much as I'd like that, what about the example we'd be giving Dawn?"

"Actually, I was thinking that could wait. I want...I want to do this right. I want us to take our time a little bit. Y'know, be a little old fashioned with it."

"In deference to my being so old?" he asked, not without a tinge of bitterness.

"See, this is what I'm talking about, here. Will you please get it through your head that I don't care what you look like? Or, if I'm being honest, I do care, but not like that. I know you're a lot older than Riley and, while you're a lot younger than Angel or Spike, you look a lot older than them. I know you've spent most of your life fighting things that go bump in the night, and you don't have Slayer healing. I know even before I see all the details that your body isn't perfect anymore. But I know it'll be great. I know I'll love it. I know there's no way I won't be excited when we do make love. And I know you're the only man I'll want to be with for the rest of my life."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Giles - Rupert - this is true love. Do you think this happens every day?"

He swept her into his arms and held her close for a long time.

"I might have known," he told her at last.

"Known what?"

"That you would surprise me. It's virtually the only thing I can absolutely count on with you."

"So, I've got a sofa with your name on it. Want to stay? I even found the guest sheets and everything."

He looked down at her, his eyes filled with love.

"I'll count that as a yes."

She took his hand and led him into the house.





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