Title: A Wolf & His Mate
Part: 4a/?
Author: Tygerlily
Email: Angeulsblood@yahoo.com
Summary: Oz decides he needs to learn about his wolf half and leaves. He comes home finding things have changed except one thing, that being Buffy. Basically a fic about Buffy/Oz growing relationship.
Pairing: B/Oz (of course) X/A and W/?
Rating: I dunno R possibly NC-17
Spoilers: Wild at Heart
Disclamer: All belong to Joss and co. but since I asked nicely he said I could play with them for awhile for your enjoyment! :-)
Feedback: Is a Must
Distribution: Oh just take it! Just let me know where it's going and make sure my name is on it
Author's Note: *This is a B/Oz fic so there WILL be Willow angst!!!


*I got this idea for this story from another story I read. It's called 'The Dear Diary Series'

*It's like a re-write but not so basically all the credit goes to them.

* Sorry not Beta read

*//Flashbacks// {Dreams} ~Thoughts~








Buffy's POV


As I came out into the living room I saw Oz waiting on the couch looking at a picture on the side table. It's a picture of just the two of us. The sun was shinning down on us and Oz had his arms around me. The reason for this was becasue he was caring me toward the water to get back at me for splashing him earlier. I remeber that day, one of the best days I ever had. Oz, myself, Xander and Willow were down at the beach one afternoon walking along the sand when Xander decided to take a candid shot.

I sit down next to him leaning my head on his shoulder. "You actually have this?" he asked me

I look over and smile at him. "Of course I have it. Look just because you made a few mistakes doesn't mean you're banished from our lives, my life...my heart." The last part was barely a whisper

He looked to Buffy with a shy smile on his face. "Banished?"

"Self imposed exile then," she corrected.

"It was best for everyone."

"Maybe, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t miss you. That I didn’t miss you."

At that he gave a small smile and took her hand in his. "So feel like accompanying me to the Bronze tonight Miss Summers."

She smiled. "I'd be delighted Mr. Osborne."

As they walked out of the apartment and down the hall, their laughter could be heard the whole way.


We left for the Bronze around 6, though it was early the band still had to set up. Besides I could always do a quick sweep after Bronzing it with Oz...right?


So we walk into the Bronze around 6:15 and the guys began to set up. I helped out a bit...Slayer strength and all but Oz had the rest of the guys finish while I sat off to the side. I think the real reason Oz had me sit it out was because the Devon kept staring at me. I think it might have been my low rider blue jeans and simple black tank that showed a bit of my toned stomach.


It's now 8 and Oz and the guys are wrapping up the first set of the night. I flash a quick smile towards the stage...mainly Oz and I can't help but think about how he looks really good in the simple dark blue jeans and T-Shirt he has on.

I then head for the bar.

As I'm walking back to the stage I see her walk into the club. Willow.

Of course I do only thing I could do. I sink back into the shadows to stay good and hidden. It seem Oz noticed all this from the stage because when the band took their first break of the night he pushed his way through the club to get to me.

He comes up to me placing his hands firmly on my hips and looks at me with concern clearly written on his face.

"What's wrong Buffy, you were coming to meet me at the stage and then..." he trails off looking for me to fill in the blank.

I look down at the hands placed firmly on my hips. He gives them a gentle squeeze trying to get my attention again. "Hey what's going on in that head yours?" he asks softly.

I look up and pull him closer to me, I then rest my head on his shoulder. He turns his head to the side and places a gentle kiss on my hair. I sigh and just continue to let him hold me. All the while knowing that eventually I'd have to tell him who I saw.

He speaks softly into my hair all the while trying to lighten the mood. "So what has my slayer all upset."

I look up at him with a bit stunned. Only because he called me *his.* I try to ignore the flutter in my chest and the sheer contentment I feel at being called his. I slightly shake my head trying to gather a coherent thought and respond to the man in my arms.

I take a breath. "I kinda just saw Willow and..." I just stop there not really knowing what else to say. Worry clearly written all over my face.

He looks at me with a small smile on his face almost as if he knows what it is that is troubling me. "Buffy, I've been trying figure out how to tell you something for a long while now." He pauses but I know there is more so I let him continue. "and well I think now is as good a time as any."

I just look back at him, a curious expression upon my face. "Um Ok, what is it?" I try to ignore the hope in my heart at what his next words might be.

He pulls me over to a darkened corner where there is an empty couch. He pulls me down to sit next to him. He then turns me so that we're facing one another.

"Ok we're good friends, right?" At my nod he continues. "and I think we've become really close over the time that I was gone." again I nod confirming that he's correct. "I mean we've helped eachother out during various points in life and I've come to really care about you."

At that I respond. "I really care about you to Oz...but where exactly are you going with this?" I look at him intently waiting with for his answer.

He inhales sharply and then a faint smile plays on his lips. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like you Buffy and that somewhere along the way I think I might have fallen in love with you." With a little laugh he corrects himself. "No, I know that I've fallen in love with you." He looks at me with hope, fear and mostly love in his eyes.

I take a breath and close my eyes. When I open them he still looking at me waiting for my response but before I can even answer Devon comes over saying they need to get back up onstage. He stands and nods and says he'll be there in a minute. He looks back at me.

I look up at him and then stand also. Then my lips are on his. I then gently flick my tounge over his lips asking for entrace, which he grants. I know we'll have to talk later but now I try to pour all that I feel for him in this kiss. Finally when we part we look at eachother both gasping for breath. He just smiles and pulls me in for another quick kiss. With that he heads back toward the stage.


It's now 10:15. I decide it's time to take a trip to the restroom. As I come out of the stall who do I see there.


As soon as she sees me huge smile forms on her face. First how she could not have noticed Oz was back was beyond me. Well then there is the fact that maybe she's over him...

YEAH RIGHT!?!? Wishful thinking on my part.

I mean he's been playing all night, how could she not notice him but what really got me was the fact that I have done a spectacular of avoiding her all night.

Now that I'm in the homestretch, she sees me.

Of all the rotten luck!

I'm pulled from my semi-brooding by a very bouncy Willow.

"Oh my god! Buffy did you see that Oz is back...I mean at first when I saw him I was upset but then he probably knew that I was here and wanted to surprise me and...Oh god I'm babbling, I am so sorry. You know you really need to stop me when I do that."

I manage a weak smile. "Yeah I noticed and like I said once before...'People underestimate the value of a good babble'."

Once again she is bouncing up and down. "Wow, I can't believe this. I really want to talk to him but I don't know if tonight is a good time." After a slight pause a small smile graces her lips and in a soft voice. "I kinda just wanna be with him...you know spend time together."

Why I did what I did next I'll never know. "Well after this Oz and I were going to go to the Espresso Pump...If you want you could come also. I mean I think Devon and the rest of the guys are coming too but it could still be fun."

At first she just looks at me with a blank stare and then her eyes narrow slightly. "Why would you go with Oz to the Espresso Pump without me...and how did you know Oz was back?"

Oh shit. Good job Buffy. I scold myself. First I've never told Willow that Oz and I kept in contact while he was away and then for her to find out that not only did I know he was coming home but staying with me. This is very, very BAD!!! Think fast Summers or your toast. Newbie witch or not Willow can do some serious damage.

"Oh well after his first set we ran into eachother and got to talking. So we thought it would be cool to catch up. I know Oz and I have never been really close but he is still a friend. I care about him." The last part came out softer and more tender than I intended but it seemed that Willow hadn't noticed and excepted my answer.

"Oh, Ok. Anyway I guess I better get back out there." After a moment of looking me over she smiles a little and slips out the door.

All I can think is 'Dear God, what have I gotten myself into. I've fallen for my best friends ex-boyfirend, whom she still in love with. Oh no my life isn't too complicated.'

Those as my last thoughts I stepped out of the restroom and back out into the club only to be hit by the sounds of Dingoes Ate my Baby.


End of Part 4a -- What is a Slayer to do...well your just going to have wait and see. FEEDBACK IS A MUST




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