


The five rules of Reseller Etiquette

1) When another reseller has started a topic that they are buying, it is NOT ok for you to post that you are also buying under their topic. It is hijacking their board, it is rude, and it is incredibly disrespectful. It takes nothing to start your own topic. Hijacking someone else's is the height of laziness.

2) When you sell to someone and then see them reselling, you should not post how much you sold it to them for on the board. That is outright sabotage. The person is trying to make a profit and you accepted the price. Do not be a sour grape and kill their chances to make NP fairly. If you wanted to sell it for more, you should have.

3) When you have accepted a price, and then decide not to buy/sell the item, it is rude and disrespectful not to tell the other person. When you pull out and don't say anything, you leave the other person in a hard spot, where they don't know if the item is sold, in which case they can't sell if someone ELSE offers on it.  So you may be robbing them of NP. Consider that.

4) When someone has posted a topic, the subject of which says "buying all ___s with __ pure" or some such...that is a reseller board. No, this is not a point of etiquette, but it seems to be something people don't realize. It's ALWAYS a reseller board. No one but a reseller buys in bulk like that. If they're not a reseller, they're looking for something specific, such as a PARTICULAR color paint brush, and will say so up front.

5) If the person offers lower than you feel is reasonable, or wants more than you are willing to spend...that does not make them a n00b. Try to refrain from calling them that.

A couple of quick hints:

NTY = No Thank You
UB = Unbuyable - OVER 100,000 neopoints.
TP = trading post
100k = 100,000

ALSO!!! If it is priced at 100,000np on the shop wizard it is NOT BUYABLE! You can NOT BUY FOR THAT PRICE. Do not go on message boards telling people they are being ripped off because they're spending that when they can get it for 100,000 on the shop wizard. YOU CAN NOT BUY ITEMS PRICED OVER 99,999 ON THE SHOP WIZARD!


Reseller Etiquette

RS Etiquette:
Please be mindful of other people.

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