Gelert Assassin

Active Item - Silver Negg

Active Character -

1st ½-Tor

2 ½- Roberta



Sword & Wand = Light Aligned Motes (light/sun)

Armor & Robes = Dark Aligned Motes (smoke/shadow)

Shields = Dark Aligned Motes (smoke/shadow)



FINALLY, we get to get rid of this guy. Thank GOD. I’d gotten pretty sick of him popping up and bothering us, hadn’t you?


The Assassin is a skilled fighter, though, so this fight is going to take some skill to beat him. Start off with Tor.


When the Assassin charges you or tosses daggers at you, put up your shield to either deflect the daggers back at him, or to make him bounce off your shield. If he bounces off your shield, go ahead and slash him with the sword.


This fight takes awhile because you never seem to be able to hit him more than once for every time he attacks you. He’s better at dodging than you are, but you’re stronger than him. If you can get close enough to him, try doing a power attack or two with the mote on your sword.


Eventually, his health will be down about half way (the assassin, like the Werelupe King, goes down in quarters, with a pithy comment for every fourth you take him down). Now he’s going to be moving too fast for Tor to really get any hits in. It’s time to switch to Roberta.


Rapid fire with Roberta. The shots will home in on him. Sometimes he will bounce your attacks back at you. Put up your shield spell and send them right back at him. He very rarely blocks them twice.


Run around and try not to stay in one place, as the Assassin will be moving around a lot as well. Keep shielding when he throws daggers, and rapid fire at all other times. Eat when and if you need to, in order to heal and replenish magic.


Once his health is down almost all the way, he will surrender the fight to you and leave. You never see him again. Congratulations!