Three Sisters    

Active Item - Red Juppie

Active Character - Tor (you may be noticing a pattern here...Roberta isn't here yet.)



Sword = NONE (you can’t hit them anyway)

Armor = Dark Aligned Mote (smoke/shadow)

Shield = Dark Aligned Mote (smoke/shadow)



This is not really a Boss Battle, per say, considering that you don’t do any battling… You just run away. If you try to hit the sisters at all, you’ll notice that your sword bounces off of them. They’re currently invincible. Don’t worry, you’ll fix that before facing them in Act 3, but for now, let’s just get OUT of here!


Stand near the pillars in the room and try to keep the pillars between you and the faeries. Eventually, a pillar will fall and break down the door, letting you into the main hall. GO!


Uh oh, walls of fire have sprung up, blocking your only exit! Not to worry, Tor is resourceful. Stand behind the middle pillar on the left side of the room (facing the room from the way you came in). The faeries will destroy it, but it will fall and give you a ramp allowing you to run up it to the second floor. Go! Turn right once you’re over the railing, and jump back down to the first floor on the OTHER side of the wall of flames. RUN!


Ack! More fire! But you’ve probably got this down now. Let the faeries break the pillar that’s the closest to where you came in, on your left. It will make a ramp that will allow you to jump that flame wall. Make a run for the dining hall!


Whoa! Flying tables. The Faeries have locked you in! Not to worry. Run to the side of the room opposite where you entered, and stand near the pillar on the right hand side of that wall. A stray shot will blast a hole in the door in front of you and black smoke will pour out. Do your best to see through it, and go through that hole in the wall. Turn left and get into the hall.


Quick! Run into the room where you caught the Miamice a lifetime ago. A cinematic will take over, and Servant Faun will help you escape.


Congratulations, you’ve beaten Act 1! There are no bosses in Act 2, though there’s yet another fun escape. Thankfully, THAT one basically walks you through itself. See our FAQ if you happen to get stuck on the Endless Staircase.